Our Leadership Structure
Eldership Team
The Bible teaches that a church should be led, wherever possible, by a
team of elders. Three words are used interchangeably to describe this leadership role: elder, overseer (bishop) or pastor. We find it helpful to appoint a team leader from the eldership - our Pastor, who has overall responsibility, particularly to
pray and '
preach the word...in season and out of season' (2 Timothy 4:2).
The Lord Jesus Christ is the head of the Church, so any oversight exercised by our elders is under His authority. He is our Good Shepherd, so oversight is to be modelled on His character and example. The Bible teaches that God equips men in local church gatherings with certain gifts and character traits which enable them to exercise this Christ-like oversight (see:
1 Timothy 3:1-7;
Titus 1:5-9;
1 Peter 5:1-5). Our Elders are men formally 'recognised' by the church as having been gifted by God in this way. Their appointment is reconfirmed on a 3-year basis by the church members.
Our elders are also all Trustees of HBEFC as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
They are: John Beale, Simon Buss (Pastor), David Edwards and David Wallis.
The Bible teaches that, alongside the Eldership team, the church should ideally be served by deacons, who have responsibility for the operational, or practical side of church life, under the oversight of the elders. Deacons are recognised on the basis of the character and gifting as described in
1 Timothy 3:8-13. Their appointment is reconfirmed on a 3-year basis by the Church.
In January 2024 we recognised three new Deacons: Doff Davey, Sue Peeling and Philip Shaw.